Name derived from the Norman race
Some of the surnames in the Sutton and Waters Family tree:
- Izod
- Mason
- Rickets
- Stevens
- Sutton
- Waters
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The chronicles of England show the early records of the name Sutton to be derived from the Norman race. There it appears in England from about 1066 A.S. and its history is interwoven within the majestic tapestry which contains the history of England. Professional researchers used such ancient manuscripts as the Domesday Book (compiled in 1086 by William the Conqueror), the Ragman Rolls, the Wace poem, the Honour Roll of the Battel Abbey, The Curia Regis, Pipe Rolls, the Falaise Roll, tax records, baptismals, family henealogies and local parish and church records to establish that the first record of the name Sutton was found in Nottinghamshire where they were descended from Drey de Maontaigu who came into England at the Norman Conquest in 1066 A.D. in the train of the Count of Mortain. His first seat was at Sutton Montague in Somerset and the family later acquired Sutton upon Trent near Tuxford in Nottingham, where they became Lords of the manor and the Barons Dudley.
The name Sutton, occurred in many references, but from time to time, spellings included Sutton, Suton, Suttone and many others. Scribes recorded and spelled the name as it sounded. It wasn’t unlikely that a person would be born with one spelling, married with another and buried with a headstone which showed another spelling.
The Normans were commonly believed to be of French origin but, more accurately, they were of Viking origin. The Vikings landed in the Orkneys and Northern Scotland about the year 870 A.D., under their King, Stirgud the Stout. Later, under their Earl, Thorfinn Rollo, they invaded France about 910. A.D. The French King, Charles the Simple, after Rollo laid siege to Paris, finally conceded defeat and granted northern France to Rollo. Duke William, who invaded and defeated England in 1066, was descended from the first Duke Rollo of Normandy.
The surname Sutton emerged as a notable family name in the county of Nottingham. Many junior branches of this prolific family acquired many estates, during the medieval period, including Norwood Park, Scofton, West Retford, Kelham and Averham in Nottingham.
Amongst the titles in this notable family are the Barons Lexington, Lords Manners, Viscounts Canterbury, Count de Clonard and many Baronets. Amongst the offices held were, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord High Chancellor of Ireland, Speaker of the House of Commons and founders of Brasenose Dollege, Oxford. Outstanding amongst the family at this time was Hervey of Sutton, first Lord of Sutton Upon Trent.
The surname Sutton contributed much to local politics and in the affairs of England or Scotland. During the 12th century many of these Norman families moved north to Scotland. Later in the 16th , 17th and 18th centuries England was ravaged by religious and political conflict. The Monarchy, the Church and Parliament fought for supremacy. The unrest caused many to think of distant lands.