Documents & History

Old documents handed down through the family

- John Dempster 1793: Letter from John Dempster to his cousin Jean on how to behave as a wife!
- James Balfour 1841: Letter from James Balfour in New York to his uncle William Drysdale, manufacturer in Alva
- Jessie Mouat 1910: Jessie Archibald Sommers Mouat, Trust Disposition and Settlement
- A Mouat Invoice 1870: Alexander Mouat, Wine Merchant, London. Executors Invoice 1870
- A Mouat Solicitor 1867: Letter from T Watts Solicitor to Alexander Mouat in Durban re Creditors Dividend
- A Mouat Trade Liabilities 1870: Alexander Mouat Wine Merchant, Trade Liabilities
- A Mouat Sundry Liabilities 1870: Alexander Mouat Wine Merchant, Sundry Liabilities
- A Mouat Creditors 1870: Alexander Mouat Wine Merchant, Creditors
- A Mouat Funeral 1870: Alexander Mouat Wine Merchant, Funeral Expenses
- Tower Hill London 1870: Wine Merchant, 8 Cooper Row, London. Inventory to be taken over by Mr I Ross
- D & J Drysdale 1831: Memorandum from a pair of family bibles
- Janet Moat 1872: Lease Agreement for 33 Trinity Square London
- Archibald Mouat 1834; Last Will & Testament
- George Wallace 1854: George Wallace elected as Beadle
- Ronald Dunn 1912: The Life and Times of Ronald James Dunn by Caroline Dunn
- William Jeffrey 1983: Last Will & Testament
- William Drysdale 1792-1873: Inventory of Private Estate

